so i was born with a nikon z8 in my hand….just kidding….

I’d love to tell you that was true but it’s not!! Digital cameras weren’t even invented when I was born and the Z8 was not even a twinkle in Nikon’s eye.

I do remember my first ever camera though - given to me for my 10th birthday - a very basic but effective Practica film camera, which cost the princely sum of £10. But then that was back in the late 1970’s!! I took it to France on a school trip and captured some truly forgettable images.

It wasn’t until my early 30’s that I really began to get serious about photography. Changing direction, career wise, I suddenly found I had more time on my hands and I vividly recall the defining moment in my photography when things changed for me. At a local lake one misty morning, before sunrise, I photographed two swans in the soft, atmospheric light. I was so pleased with the resulting image that I had the 4” by 6” print blown up to a 30” by 20” framed picture that hangs on my wall to this day. Shortly after taking this image for me I found myself apologising to a couple of anglers for being on their lake as a non member - something I was completely unaware about. My research is a little better nowadays.

Perhaps it’s the same for you, but when I am out with my camera time seems to stop still, as I become completely immersed in my surroundings and possible compositions, watching every nuance of the changing light and how it plays with the landscape in front of me.

Even on a day when the pictures may not come so readily, it is still a joy to get out into the countryside and enjoy nature.

I hope you like the images, videos and articles on my website and do feel free to contact me via the details on the Contact Me Page. Comments, questions and thoughts always welcome.

As always, enjoy your photography.

